What if MLK rejected Gandhi’s value of nonviolence because he was Hindu? What if we did nothing to build bridges across the faith divide? What if instead we took action together to build our global community? Prove we’re better together. Start by asking what if?
Interfaith Youth Core at Ohio University will be holding a Speak In on Wednesday, November 10 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Friends of the Library Room (Alden Library 319). The “What If? Speak In” will provide an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and community members to learn about the interfaith movement as well as engage in a guided discussion about the common value of service in various religious practices.
Speakers include Greg Emery, Director of the Global Leadership Center, discussing his work with the Harvard Pluralism Project, Elizabeth Collins, Professor of Classics and World Religions, talking about her work with the Difficult Dialogues Project, Amritjit Singh, Professor of English, sharing his interfaith aspects of Sikhism, Rev Evan Young, Campus Minister for United Campus Ministry, discussing UCM’s role in interfaith work, Professor Savas Kaya, Advisor of the Muslim Student Association, and a representative from Rural Action’s watershed project. Information will be provided about how to get involved in Interfaith Youth Core’s winter quarter service project dedicated to local and international water rights. People of all or no faith backgrounds are encouraged to attend and help promote the movement towards religious coexistence. Refreshments will be provided.
“I feel that cooperation among members of different faith communities in common action for the common good is essential to combat daunting issues such as poverty and global warming, both on the local level and internationally,” says Interfaith Youth Core fellowship recipient Guru Amrit Khalsa. “It is only a matter of time before cooperation becomes the social norm, and members of various faith groups come together as opposed to inter-religious conflict.”
The Interfaith Youth Core is an international nonprofit supporting religious pluralism on campuses across the country. United Campus Ministry (UCM): Center for Spiritual Growth and Social Justice is spearheading the movement at Ohio University. UCM’s mission is to engage the Ohio University and Athens Communities in spiritual growth, work for social justice and community service guided by socially progressive and interfaith values. For more information call 593-7301 or email ucmathens@frognet.net.