UCM Center is committed to providing students and community members with opportunities to volunteer and engage in service learning projects that meet local needs and help make deeper community connections. Our free Community Meals and other opportunities are listed below.

Thursday Supper

Since 1993, student and community volunteers have worked together to plan, prepare, set-up, serve, and clean up for this weekly, free community meal program for those in need of a meal. Help serve a hot, nutritious meal—great for groups, residence hall activities, campus organizations, etc. Volunteers to make a difference! Click the day and time to sign up to help out on Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (redirects to GivePulse) and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (redirects to GivePulse). You always welcome to email volunteer@ucmathens.org to sign up yourself or a group.

Wednesday Lunch

With the success of Thursday Supper and the lack of a local free weekend meal, UCM started serving Saturday Lunch in 2006. In the Spring of 2023, we moved our lunch program to midweek in order to serve more people. Volunteers to make a difference! Click the day and time to sign up to help out on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (redirects to GivePulse) and Thursdays from 2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (redirects to GivePulse). You always welcome to email volunteer@ucmathens.org to sign up yourself or a group.

Home Improvement Days

Volunteer to give our home some much needed love and attention. We continually work to make our center a more welcoming space and we need your help to make it so. Many hands make light work of cleaning, painting, and more. These service events are a great way to meet new people while improving UCM Center! Click on the date to sign up to help us on Friday, March 1 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday, April 20 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (redirects to GivePulse). You always welcome to email volunteer@ucmathens.org to sign up.


Saturday Work Trips in Local Community

Our region looks very different than campus and the uptown area. UCM Center is committed to connecting students to local organizations and communities to make a difference. Projects may include flood plain cleanup, painting rural community centers, assisting with rehab and general maintenance, gardening, food harvesting and material organizing. (There is not currently a work trip in the works. Join us on the Home Improvement Days as noted above.)

UCM Fundraising Dinners & Events

Help UCM Center grow by assisting with our fundraising events. We always need volunteers to make these events successful. Tasks in include: organizing materials, set up, food and beverage prep and serving, and clean up. We will host our Harvest Gala on Saturday, October 21. Email volunteer@ucmathens.org to help out.

MLK Day of Service

UCM works together with university and local partners to host events on and around Martin Luther King, Jr Day. This annual program echos the spirit of Dr. King’s commitment to community in which students and community participate in a variety of service projects. For details of upcoming projects see events.

Alternative Spring Break Programs

In recent years, our Spring Breaks have been spent examining political, economic and social issues in Appalachia region. Students participating this these programs also assist with service projects for the betterment of local communities. (In addition to trips within our region, past trips have included Nicaragua, Cuba, New Orleans, and along the US-Mexico border.) To learn more email: volunteer@ucmathens.org.